Sandwich Bread

Dry instant yeast 6 teaspoons
Sugar 6 teaspoons
Warm water 1/2 cup
Warm water #2 2 cups + 3 tablespoons
Kosher Salt 1 1/2 tablespoons
Canola Oil 5 tablespoons
Bread Flour 5 3/4 cups
1. Mix together the yeast, sugar, and water. Rest for 10 minutes.
2. Place yeast mixture in a mixer fitted with a dough hook. Add remaining ingredients.
3. Mix on speed 1 or low for 3 minutes.
4. Then mix on speed 2 or med. high for 5-6 minutes.
5. Place in a lightly oiled bowl and proof for 1 hour.
6. Divide into 11-ounce pieces & shape.
7. Place in Demarle SilPain® mat, cut with a razor, and proof for 20-30 minutes.
8. Bake at 176°C (350°F) for 12-15 minutes.
For Italian Herb Bread:
Add 7 grams (1 TBSP) of dried oregano.
For Herb and Cheese Bread:
Add 5 grams (2 tsp) dried oregano and 75 grams (2.6 ounces) grated parmesan cheese.