(6 reviews)
Spend the extra
Broke on the first cookie dough scoop. Re-adjusted the sprocket/gear thing only to have it done undone again and again.
By Snap n Cracle Candy, Ca on February 2, 2018
Cheaply made
I knew coming out of the box this felt different, and squeezing it it did not feel like it was smooth. The first time I used it for a bluberry muffin type dough it wouldn't release. I called and got my money back.
By Trudi Lloyd, MN on August 6, 2017
Not best Quality
I bought the #70 and #100 dishers for making cookies. The sliders inside did not clean well and the scoops were so thin that one broke on the dough. I will try to find a heavier duty item.
By Shelley B, Florida on April 12, 2015